feature on an website editor

The importance of having a mail submission feature on an website editor

Have you ever heard about the mail submission service? Maybe if you work in the field of website management, you’ve heard about this. Mail submission service means that website visitors can submit or give their letters to the website manager. The letter can contain complaints or questions to be conveyed by website visitors.

Later the service to submit this letter will be responded directly to the editor of the website or other positions that do have special authority in this matter. Mail submission service is very important because it is a place for websites to interact with loyal visitors to their website.

Understanding the Importance of Existing Submit Services Letter from Website Editor

Usually, the one who provides a mailing service is from the website editor. Why so? If in a mass media, the editor usually holds the highest position. The editor is likened to a gatekeeper. There is no text that can be published unless it has been checked directly by the editor. If it has not been checked by the editor, then the text cannot be published.

So from that the editor is also the person in charge of a text issued by the media. If something happens to the published text, the editor becomes one of the responsible people besides the reporter who wrote the script. Because he has examined the manuscript for publication and ensures that there are no false reports.

This is where the mailing service appears from the website editor. This mail submission service serves as a media for website visitors to the editor. Website visitors can convey their wishes or suggestions to the editor. From the service to submit this letter, the editor as the person in charge of the website can answer the incoming letter.

Including considering the advice given. These suggestions can be taken to the editorial meeting to enter into consideration with the website team. The editor can also answer complaints that are included in the letter submission service. The editor is also the party who answers the sources who are not satisfied with the published text.

The task of a website editor is indeed quite heavy and cannot be underestimated. Even so, being a website editor is quite fun. You will be the first person to read the script before it is published to the public. Coupled with the existence of a mailing service, editors can interact with readers. The editor himself has the task of drafting a paper together with a reporter.

Therefore, before making a concept, the editor must first know what the reader wants or what topics are being discussed. Especially if the website has commercial purposes. Must know the interests of the readers before deciding what kind of writing will be made and shown to the public.

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